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Protection Now and for Future Generations

Austin Capital assists advisers and clients in aligning priorities and managing assets for the future. A well-crafted trust solution provides clients with the protections, control, and flexibility they need when deciding how their legacy is to be served.

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Trust Solutions Offering Flexibility and Control

Limited, Administrative, and Full Trustee Services to help clients formalize their asset transfer goals

Easily manage and consolidate assets in order to understand the full picture of a client’s wealth

Assistance with titling of stock certificates and accounts

Proactive Estate Plans to ensure accurate valuations for IRS reporting purposes

Guidance and resources to manage the challenging process of crafting trusts to ensure the estate plan is carried out in the most efficient manner

Assistance in efficiently distributing assets according to the beneficiaries

Family CIO

With Austin Capital’s account aggregation technology, advisers can roll up all household accounts - no matter where they are held or who the primary adviser is - and understand the big picture. The platform then puts into place place automated guardrails and monitoring guidelines to make sure every household portfolio is strategically aligned.

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Allocation Automation

Automates asset allocation plans and creates drift alerts


Integrated portfolio accounting to create actionable client reports

Household Monitoring

Monitors all household  investments from adviser portal


Workflows and process automation to help ensure compliance requirements are met

Trust Accounts

Austin Capital’s platform provides clients with flexible and cost-effective service for any size of trust account and can provide Limited, Administrative, or Full Trustee service and administration depending on needs. Our goal is to help protect and manage family assets.

Manage Assets
Easily manage and consolidate your assets
Distribution Preparation
Prepare for the distribution of your assets after your death
Stock Assistance
Get help with titling of stock certificates and accounts
Control Over Investments
Decide how your assets are invested

Estate Services

Austin Capital’s platform provides clients with flexible and cost-effective service for any size of trust account and can provide Limited, Administrative, or Full Trustee service and administration depending on needs. Our goal is to help protect and manage family assets.
Benefits to clients and their beneficiaries:

Facilitates the distribution of the estate's financial assets

Accurately value the estate for IRS purposes

Quickly distribute assets to beneficiaries

Assistance transferring titles to heirs

Decide how assets are invested

Easily manage estate assets, whether needing to consolidate, buy and sell, or access cash to pay taxes

Contact our team to learn more about our solutions   (844) 624-1125